World Squash Federation Environment Policy

Recognising not just an athlete’s necessity for a healthy environment, the WSF is committed to the protection of the environment and strongly recommends its partners (Member Nations, Accredited Companies, event hosts etc) follow the guidelines below:

Sustainable Development

  • Centre designers and court builders are asked to respect the environment; to interact with the local community prior to commencing building, ascertaining and respecting local existing policies.
  • Squash Centres and facilities should be well maintained but, if requiring an overhaul, safety standards and environmental impact to be improved upon.
  • Athletes are encouraged to act as role models, communicating ‘green’ messages to their community and at events.

Conservation & Management of Natural Resources

  • Facility builders are asked to ensure the protection of conservation areas.
  • Member Nations are encouraged to embrace ‘paperless office’ and recycling initiatives and to reduce energy consumption by using renewable and nonpolluting low energy sources, wherever available.
  • WSF Accredited companies are required to use renewable resources in court construction; this mostly impacts on flooring manufacturers

Environmental Impact

  • Environmental impact is considered when venue inspections are made prior to World Championship events being awarded.
  • World Championship Tender documents state that events should minimise impact on the environment