All News World Squash Library: a Fascinating Look at the History of our Sport 23 November 2021 Facebook X LinkedIn Email Copy The World Squash Library has today published a unique record of the evolution of international squash management over the past six decades, including decisions, rules and regulations. The full set of 50 AGM minutes of the World Squash Federation, from its formation in 1967 until 2020, can be found at the Squash Library site, and includes insights into such things as member votes, motions passed and rejected, and how key decisions were made. This important information resource for all National Federations and all those interested in the sport has made the sport’s history more accessible than ever. Library founder Andrew Shelley explained: “The WSF, then called ISRF, began with only six founder member nations, and through the AGM minutes we see how the membership has expanded, and so much more. “World Championships were initiated, the Rules of Squash updated, the sport went ‘Open’, court and equipment specifications changed, the officers elected and so on. “Against the minutes each year, key decisions are listed to help pinpoint the evolution of the management of the game and the sport itself.” The 2021 WSF AGM will be held virtually this Saturday 27 November. Previous Next