All News World Squash Day 2020 Toolkit 21 August 2020 Facebook X LinkedIn Email Copy NOTICE TO ALL NATIONAL SQUASH FEDERATIONS: LET’S TAKE TO THE STREETS FOR WORLD SQUASH DAY All member nations are urged to support World Squash Day on Saturday October 10th 2020. This is an ideal opportunity for the global squash community to work together to help relaunch and reinvigorate our fantastic sport after the issues we have all faced during the coronavirus lockdown. Federations are asked to share this toolkit with all clubs, colleges and facilities with squash courts, and encourage them to get involved on this very special day. PRE-EVENT MEDIA COVERAGE / OPEN-AIR EVENTS / FOLLOW SAFE DISTANCING GUIDELINES How to generate pre-event Media Coverage: With COVID-19 restrictions applying in many countries, and guidelines subject to constant change, we are keen to go ahead with events to generate publicity in advance of World Squash Day. It is vitally important that we avoid any risk to those taking part. Gathering in large numbers inside a squash court is not the best idea right now, so let’s take to the streets (or rooftops, like Roger Federer) to get our message across. WORLD SQUASH DAY AMBASSADORS Federations are asked to nominate four World Squash Day Ambassadors (two juniors, one male and one female, and two senior players, one male and one female). Please produce some World Squash Day T-shirts (logos are attached) for the Ambassadors to wear. Arrange for your Ambassadors to hit some balls against the walls of iconic buildings in your country. Arrange for one or two photographers to accompany the Ambassadors, observing Safe Distancing Protocols at all times. Post the pictures or movies to the World Squash Day social media accounts, listed below: SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS Twitter: @WorldSquashDay Facebook: WorldSquashDay Instagram: worldsquashday Please copy in @WorldSquash and @PSAWorldTour THE POWER OF SOCIAL MEDIA Last year clubs, federations, sports brands and individuals fully embraced World Squash Day on social media, resulting in close to one million engagements across various platforms. Let’s try to smash that figure this year, with a constant flow of posts in advance to promote World Squash Day, and then creating a massive wave of activity on the big day itself. SOCIAL MEDIA EXTRA: WHY I LOVE SQUASH In addition to the above activities, let’s all join in, professionals and club players alike, to share one simple message: WHY I LOVE SQUASH! Please ask your nominated Ambassadors (wearing their World Squash Day T-shirts) to post selfies and messages to social media using the hashtag: #whyilovesquash NOTICE TO ALL CLUBS Federations should ask all of their clubs and squash facilities to join in the fun on World Squash Day … while observing all the health guidelines that are in place at that time in that particular territory. Clubs should also nominate their own World Squash Day Ambassadors to take to the streets to film clips for social media. Again, please share the movies and images with the World Squash Day social media platforms. To help your club gain valuable local publicity, please contact local news outlets in advance of your activities. Make sure you copy them in on all social media posts, in the same way as your national federations. WHY I LOVE SQUASH Again, every single squash player and coach from all of the clubs is invited to join the wave on social media to post selfies and messages with the hashtag #whyilovesquash INVOLVE YOUR LOCAL AND NATIONAL MEDIA To gain extra publicity, and to raise the profile of squash, please share your posts with local media outlets: TV, newspapers, radio and news websites. Please mention the date: 10/10/20 SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS Twitter: @WorldSquashDay Facebook: WorldSquashDay Instagram: worldsquashday Please copy in @WorldSquash and @PSAWorldTour IMPORTANT WEBSITE LINKS Website links: World Squash Day: World Squash Federation: PSA World Tour: PLEASE UPDATE YOUR OWN FEDERATION AND CLUB WEBSITES As an immediate priority, please feature World Squash Day on every federation and club website. We will be issuing regular Media Releases between now and World Squash Day so please look out for those and share the news with your members and followers. Please download the logo from any the World Squash Day Facebook or Twitter pages, or contact Alan Thatcher (email address below). WORLD SQUASH DAY AND iMASK World Squash Day is partnering with iMask to provide free PPE equipment for local health care professionals. For every World Squash Day iMask that is purchased, Richard Millman and his partners will donate an iMask+ that is adapted for use by the medical and dental profession. So, if any club chooses to order a batch of 20, that’s 20 free iMasks+ going to a local hospital, care home or dental practice nominated by the purchaser. Further details to follow. Please keep an eye on social media. WORLD SQUASH DAY T-SHIRTS In support of the PSA Foundation’s ‘We Are One’ campaign, 305 Squash in England are producing a special World Squash Day T-shirt. Again, details will be released on social media as soon as the shirts are available. FURTHER INFORMATION Please contact World Squash Day Founder Alan Thatcher Email: [email protected] Previous Next