All News University of Alabama at Birmingham to Host World Games 2022 18 May 2021 Facebook X LinkedIn Email Copy The Birmingham Organising Committee for The World Games 2022 has announced that the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) will host several competitions across its campus and will partner with the global event on multiple initiatives – meaning squash will take place on the courts and gymnasiums of UAB’s University Recreation Center. The World Games 2022 (TWG2022), an international multi-sport event organized with the support of the International Olympic Committee, will hold its 11th edition in Birmingham from July 7-17, 2022. An anticipated 3,600 athletes will participate in more than 30 different sports throughout The Games. The 2017 edition of the World Games in Wroclaw, Poland saw France’s Camille Serme defeat Hong Kong’s Joey Chan to win the women’s gold medal, while Germany’s Simon Rösner overcame Serme’s compatriot, Gregoire Marche, to win the men’s event. “UAB is uniquely situated and prepared to support The World Games and ensure that Birmingham makes the most of this great, unique opportunity to showcase our city and state to the world,” said UAB President Ray L. Watts. “The UAB community looks forward to being gracious hosts for athletes and spectators alike, and our campus and its amenities offer a beautiful and modern setting that will leave a lasting, positive impression.” In addition to hosting competitions, UAB will also serve as the Foundation Sponsor for The World Games 2022 Legacy Memorial and the Presenting Sponsor of UAB Athlete Village, which will offer housing in UAB residence halls for athletes, coaches, and officials. UAB Medicine will be the Presenting Sponsor for athletics and spectator medical services at The World Games 2022 venues. The university will also provide language services for international athletes and visitors. “This is an enormous partnership for The World Games 2022,” said The World Games 2022 CEO Nick Sellers. “Not only is UAB opening up their world-class campus as host for competitions and “Athlete’s Village” for many of our athletes and coaches, but their partnership extends to several other areas including leadership and support for our entire medical committee. Having this academic, athletic, and medical cornerstone of Birmingham as a major partner of The World Games 2022 represents a strong commitment from our community to this historic moment.” The official partnership announcement was made on Monday, May 17 at BBVA Field on the campus of UAB, and featured remarks from Sellers, Watts and The World Games 2022 Chairman of the Board Jonathan Porter. Previous Next