All players who wish to play in all World Individual and Team Championships, Continental Championships, World Junior Circuit National Opens and other events at all age levels will need to be registered, along with Team Officials. You will be provided with a SPIN (Squash Personal Identification Number), upon payment of the applicable fee, which is subject to renewal. SPIN registrations are provided to you via a third-party platform called Tournament Software, which is a hub for all things squash related and provides services to squash federations throughout the world. The Tournament Software Platform is licensed by Visual Reality, a company based in the Netherlands, which was set up to administer the Tournament Software Platform for the benefit of its members. In order to register for a SPIN, you will first need to create a Tournament Software account if you do not already have one. For more information on how Tournament Software will process your personal data, please see the privacy policy. WSF will only process your personal data in so far this is necessary to manage and update your SPIN membership, should you register for one after creating a Tournament Software account. For more information please see our privacy policy. Registration Fees from 1 July are: Registration (including 1st year payment): GBP £18.00 (all ages).Annual renewal: Adult – GBP £12.00. Junior – GBP £6.00 (still under 19 on 1 January of their renewal year). Please click on REGISTER FOR A SPIN (below) to get your Squash Personal Identification Number Please note that when you click either Register for a SPIN, National Federation Log In or SPIN Log In, you will be re-directed from the WSF Website to the Tournament Software Platform [sg_popup id=”37383″ event=”click”]REGISTER FOR SPIN[/sg_popup] [sg_popup id=”37383″ event=”click”]NATIONAL FEDERATION LOGIN[/sg_popup] [sg_popup id=”37383″ event=”click”]SPIN LOGIN[/sg_popup] [button size=”large” color=”red” link=]SPIN – How do I?[/button] About SPIN Any player can be registered by completing the on-line registration form and paying on-line. Nations will be automatically notified of all player registrations from their country and have the opportunity to veto any at any time in case of issue.