Squash is a worldwide sport, played in 185 countries, on 50,000 courts Squash has had both male and female champions from every continent Squash has a flourishing professional circuit with events in around 50 countries Squash would be a low cost addition to the Programme Squash could only add sixty four athletes WSF would providing the two show courts needed and leave them as a legacy. Squash has a short schedule so could share a venue Squash is fully WADA compliant The Olympic Games would be the pinnacle event for every squash player Squash is gladiatorial without scoring by judges Squash has truly embraced innovation in events and their presentation Squash provides medal potential for many nations, including Japan Squash already has great introductory programmes in Japan Squash features a range of urban player programmes Squash can showcase Tokyo using an iconic venue Squash is already played in multi-sport Games e.g. Asian, PanAm, Commonwealth Games. Even Beach Games too.