All News Entries open for 2022 WSF Men’s World Junior Team Championships 07 February 2022 Facebook X LinkedIn Email Copy Entries are now open for the 2022 WSF Men’s World Junior Team Championships, to be held in St. Petersburg, Russia, as part of the WSF World Junior Squash Championships in August of this year. The World Junior Championships sees players aged 18 and below compete in some of squash’s most iconic venues and is held annually, with the men’s and women’s team championships rotating each year. 2018 Team Championship title winners Egypt will travel to St. Petersburg as the defending champions, after the 2020 Championships in Queensland, Australia – in which 24 nations were due to compete – were cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This year’s edition will be played between 15-20 August and is scheduled to follow the men’s and women’s individual junior championships, which will begin 9 August. Speaking last year, after the Russian Squash Federation (RSF) was awarded the championships, RSF President Dmitry Bronnikov said : “Compared to most of the other host candidates, squash is just starting to develop in Russia, but we already have broad experience hosting professional events, including a World Squash Championship qualifying event in 2019. “St. Petersburg is a great location with a number of accredited courts in perfect condition and a rapidly growing squash audience. The city is also the cultural capital of Russia and one of the world’s top tourist destinations, which the juniors will definitely enjoy. We believe that such a major squash event in Russia will not only boost development of our sport but will also help to demonstrate the global presence of squash.” Presidium Board Member of the Russian Squash Federation and Championship Director of the 2022 WSF World Junior Team Championships Anton Odintsov today added: “We are looking forward to welcoming juniors from all of the world. I am sure they will be excited by the beauty, cultural heritage and hospitality of St. Petersburg as well as by our squash venues.” Take a virtual tour of the RC Club – the largest squash club in Russia and the venue for the 2022 WSF World Junior Championships. More information about the WSF World Junior Squash Championships, including venue details and entry criteria, can be found at Previous Next