All News Coronavirus statement from the WSF 13 March 2020 Facebook X LinkedIn Email Copy The World Squash Federation would like to express its strongest support to our worldwide squash community and the people currently suffering from the Coronavirus pandemic … Given the current situation seriously affecting most of our Member National Federations, our partners, the players and their families, the World Squash Federation would like to express its strongest support to our worldwide squash community and the people currently suffering from the Coronavirus pandemic. So far, most of the International sporting events cancelled or postponed have been due to take place in March, April and May. Nevertheless, as the situation evolves every day, it is impossible to predict whether our events could be organised safely for the players and their entourage, the hosting country and all the volunteers. Three WSF World Championships are scheduled in 2020 – the World Junior Championships in July in Australia; the World Masters in August in Poland; and the Women’s World Team Championship in December in Malaysia. We are in constant communication with the three Local Organising Committees to monitor, assess the situation and assist them in providing all the necessary administrative and logistic support. It is essential to outline that WSF and its MNFs’ activities entirely depend on the decisions of the local authorities, health organisations and governments and we need to abide by the procedures imposed upon all event organisers. Under the recommendation of Dr Anne Smith, the Chair of the WSF Medical Commission, you will find hereafter the link to the World Health Organisation which lists all the basic proactive measures against the COVID-19 outbreak: During these trying times, WSF will show its commitment to the squash world and conduct its business in the most appropriate manner to ensure the security and safety of our community first and foremost. Please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] should you have any queries. Previous Next